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News from the Mag January 2024

Reverend Matthew Price

Vicar, St Mary Magdalene Church, Gorleston



January can be a dark month. The festivities of Christmas and the New Year are behind us, but both the mornings and the evenings are still dark. It’s no surprise, then, that the third Monday in January has earned the title, “Blue Monday”
Originally devised to help a travel company sell holidays, it has become synonymous with everything that is depressing. Credit card bills from Christmas land on the doormat (or in the inbox); the year seems to be stretching ahead interminably; and it’s dark both when you leave for and return from work!
That’s why we’re delighted to be working with our friends at Freshly Greated to bring you some light into the darkness this January. Glow Your Own Way will be a festival of light and projection, taking place on Magdalen Square, including in our building, across the weekend of 20-21 January. At the heart of the weekend will be a light procession, beginning at 4.30pm outside Lydia Eva Care Home and heading towards Magdalen Square
So, mark the date in your diary, and check out the Freshly Greated Facebook page for further details (
We look forward to seeing you there!


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